Knowing What An ERISA Benefit Denial Concerns
A denial of your claim does not need to be the end of the story. With assistance from an attorney skilled in ERISA law, a benefit denial can be successfully challenged.
At the Law Office of Robert F. Keehn, in Los Angeles, we can help you assert your right to receive the benefits you worked so hard for. Our founding attorney, Robert F. Keehn, has more than a quarter-century of experience of providing compassionate representation in insurance and employment matters. This includes the successful resolution of numerous cases under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) when claims were originally denied.
What We Can Do About Your Claim Denial
Under ERISA, benefit denials are not the last word. Of course, challenging a claim denial requires a good deal of documentation. In order to get your appeal ready, we will need access to the file used by the insurance company, as well as other information. Fortunately, ERISA requires insurance companies to make these files available to employees whose claims were turned down.
As an experienced ERISA lawyer, Robert can help you appeal the claim denial. When necessary, we can also take your case to a federal judge. We have a proven record of success in these cases and serve clients throughout California.
Confidential, No-Cost Consultation Available
We invite you to talk with us about your legal rights in a no-obligation initial consultation. Call 424-777-3964 or complete our brief email form.