Fighting For The Insurance Benefits You Deserve
Fighting For The Insurance Benefits You Deserve

Handling Employee Benefit And Insurance Coverage Disputes In Los Angeles And Beyond

Many disputes that arise in the workplace are insurance disputes. The underlying issue is typically money — no surprise there. But the actions you take in response need to take account of exactly what context the dispute arose in.

In other words, you may think that your dispute is with your employer over wrongful treatment in the workplace. But the dispute may actually be with your employer’s insurance company over wrongful denial of insurance benefits.

In a setting like this, it is important to get advice from an attorney who is experienced in both insurance and employment law. At the Law Office of Robert F. Keehn, in Los Angeles, we provide such representation to clients across California. Attorney Robert F. Keehn will guide you through every step and do what is necessary to attend to your concerns.

Thoughtful Handling Of Employment Disputes And Disability Insurance Claims

Suppose you become disabled. There are a couple of different scenarios under which you could find yourself in conflict with your employer or your employer’s insurer.

One issue that could arise is the failure of your employer to provide reasonable accommodation for your disability in the workplace. That would be an employment law dispute.

But what if you tried to collect on your employer-provided disability insurance, but your claim was denied? In that case, you are in an insurance dispute. Because your disability insurance was provided by your employer, the legal protections granted by ERISA can be used to challenge a claim denial under federal law.

It is best to not handle such matters on your own. The experienced and knowledgeable representation we will provide for you allows you to resolve such disputes in a favorable manner.

Compassionate And Skilled ERISA Lawyer

ERISA claims are complex and subject to extensive regulation. It is best to have someone knowledgeable guide you through the process and provide representation where necessary.

Attorney Robert F. Keehn listens carefully to your story. He learns from your account of what happened and puts that knowledge into action, swiftly and decisively. He researches your claim against your employer or your employer’s insurer and uses his more than 30 years of legal experience to hold abusive parties responsible — in a court of law if necessary.

Even if your disability claim is initially denied, ERISA provides a process for appeal. ERISA also allows for you to take your case to a federal judge, if that becomes necessary. We will take the necessary steps to help you obtain the benefits you deserve.

Call Or Email Our Law Firm Today

Your free initial consultation with our Los Angeles employment lawyer is as close as your phone. Call from wherever you are in Southern California: 424-777-3964. You may also email us. Evening appointments are available.